US retailer Amazon started a promotional offer for the Vita 3G model launch: for 299$, people who buy the Vita 3G get a 8GB Memory card, 250MB of 3G bandwidth, and a free PSN Game. Since a memory card is compulsory for most games, and 4GB is the lowest you can get (and, if you plan to really use the console, it will not be enough), and knowing that most games are about 50$, this looks like a great offer, making the 3G model basically cheaper than the Wifi model.
This is proof that the 3G model is not getting the love that Sony was expecting, but if it’s cheaper, why would you not buy it? My Wifi model with a 4GB card and a crappy game was more expensive than this bundle.
Update: The fine prints reveal that this is not as good a deal as I initially thought it was: the “free” 250MB of 3G bandwidth is activated after your first AT&T plan, which means you have to subscribe to the AT&T offer, which makes that part no so attractive in the end. The game itself is also redeemed only if you subscribe to AT&T. This is still a good deal if you were planning on getting the 3G model, but not so attractive anymore if you didn’t have any plan to subscribe to AT&T with your Vita. Thanks to NitsudR for point this out!
And because it’s Amazon, people who already preordered a 3G model will also be getting this promotion