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Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Best PSP/Vita homebrews for APRIL 2012

Here are the 10 most popular homebrews as voted by you in March 2012. The “VHBL effect” is clearly here, with a good share of the top homebrews this month being compatible with VHBL on the PS Vita. Enjoy!

10. Bookr (compatible PSP/Vita)

The PDF Reader for the PSP has been one of the favorite homebrews on the PSP for years, and keeps going strong. The PSP and Vita both lack PDF reading features, and this homebrew is here to fill the void on both consoles.


9. Cave Story (Compatible PSP/Vita)
The old school platformer with some RPG elements is still one of people’s favorites.
Works on the vita too!

Download Here

8. Kingdom Of War PSP

Unlimited X gave a boost to Kingdom of War recently, with an udate to both the game and his servers. Kingdom of War is a MMORPG for the PSP, entirely free!

Download Here

Porting VHBL to your game exploit

This guide is the second major revision of a guide I wrote a year and a half ago. In this guide I will explain how to port Half Byte Loader to your game exploit, and in particular to make it work on the PS Vita. I just updated the main file needed to create the exploit, so the timing is right.
This guide assumes that you found a user mode exploit in a game, and that you were able to write a binary loader.

So now what’s next? Well, as you probably know if you’ve gone that far, the PSP scene doesn’t really like “hello worlds”. A hello world is nice, but it accomplishes nothing, it just draws Sony’s attention to your exploit, and you know the vulnerability will be patched soon, while nobody really used the exploit.
Well, the next step is, ideally, a HEN or a custom firmware. Of course, this requires a kernel exploit, and we know how these are difficult to find. A much more doable task, that will make lots of people happy, is to port HBL to your exploit. HBL opens the door to lots of legal contents on the PSP and the Vita, and we designed it so that porting it to your game exploit can be done fairly easily.
This tutorial is valid at the time of its writing, for all games, and up to firmware 6.60 (Vita firmware 1.61). In theory, HBL will work on future firmwares, but of course new kinds of security might be introduced in new firmwares. Additionally, depending on your game (and its function imports), the compatibility and speed of homebrews might vary.

0. Easy as pie

HBL was designed to be easily ported to new game exploits. Most Game-specific files (except one) go in a subfolder that I will describe below. To complete this tutorial, you need basic shell skills, a working pspsdk, a working game exploit and the associated binary loader / hello world, a ruby interpreter, and basic ruby skills (usually, if you know any other scripting language, you’ll figure it out easily, there are not so many changes required).

1. Get the HBL sources and compile them

The first step is to get the HBL sources, compile them, and if you’re motivated, test them on an existing game exploit, to make sure the copy you have works correctly. (As I write this, it is recommended to test compilation with either the Mototrstorm or the Everybody’s tennis exploits, as we might have broken backwards compatibility with older exploits)
The sources of HBL can be downloaded here (SVN client required)
In order to compile it, you need the PSPSDK (which you probably already have if you wrote a binary loader). Compilation is fairly easy, but in order to compile the HBL for a specific exploit, you have to specify the folder of the exploit. for example, make FOLDER=lifeup will compile HBL for the Motorstorm (EU) exploit.

2. Create your own exploit’s folder

As you guessed, you will create a folder dedicated to your own exploit. Let’s imagine you game is called wololo, then you can create a subfolder “wololo” in the eLoader folder. Basically, we want to reproduce the files that are in this folder for another exploit, and adapt them to our exploit. Let’s have a look at the lifeeu folder:

The folder contains 6 files and 1 folder (which contains 1 file) that you will want to adapt to your exploit. I will describe each of them separately. Most of these files are automatically generated by a script, so this should be fairly simple.

3. Create your exploit’s files


This is the linker file for h.bin. If you created a binary loader and a hello world, you already have this file from your hello world, and most likely you named it “linker.x“. Copy linker.x from your hello world to linker_loader.x. Done!


This is the sdk for h.bin. If you created a binary loader and a hello world, you probably already have this file, and named it sdk.S. Copy sdk.s to sdk_loader.S. If you don’t have this sdk, you can create it either by running prxtool on the EBOOT.BIN of the game, or by using the moskitool (a ruby version of the moskitool can be found in the eLoader/tools folder of the HBL). Most likely, if you created a hello world, you already have this file so I won’t give more details for now. Done!

config folder, exploit_config.h, sdk_hbl.S, loader.h,

The contents of the config folder, as well as sdk_hbl.S, loader.h, and most of exploit_config.h (details below for exploit_config.h)  are automatically generated by a ruby script that you can find in eLoader/tools/gen_exploit_config.rb.
The gen_exploit_config.rb has 2 “modes”, but I will only describe the first one, which is required the first time you adapt your exploit. You need to have a usermem dump named memdump.bin (that you acquired from psplink with the command savemem 0×08800000 0×01800000 memdump.bin). Important note: For Vita compatibility, that dump must be done on a PSP running firmware 6.60. In addition to memdump.bin, you need a list of UIDs from the same psplink session, that you will name uidlist.txt. You can get that file by typing uidlist > uidlist.txt in psplink. That file needs to be in unix format, so be sure to convert it if you are running windows. Finally, you need a file named sdk.S, which is nothing else than the sdk.S you created for your game exploit, the one we just named sdk_loader.S above.
Put these 3 files (memdump.bin and uidlist.txt obtained from the same psplink session, as well as sdk.S from your exploit) in the tools folder, and run gen_exploit_config.rb
This should display a list of addresses (you will want to copy these addresses inside the stubs array of gen_exploit_config.rb so that other people who want to improve your exploit won’t need a memory dump/uidlist anymore, although they will still need the sdk.S file), and generate a series of files in the tools/output subfolder.
The files generated by gen_exploit_config.rb in the output folder can be copied “as is” into your game’s folder.

Final edits to exploit_config.h

You’re almost done, but the file exploit_config.h need to be edited in two places, that you will find because they say “TODO” in big letters.
HBL_LOAD_ADDRESS This is where you will load HBL in RAM. You want a value that is outside of the boundaries of the game, and basically, a place where the PSP will accept to alloc roughly 200kB. you can get such an address in psplink while the game is running by typing malloc 2 test l 204800
HBL_ROOT is the name of the folder where your exploited savedata is. That folder name looks like ms0:/PSP/SAVEDATA/UCUS12345000. Important note: my tutorial on how to create a binary loader assumes you will load a file named ms0:/h.bin. On the PS Vita, this is not possible anymore, so you will have to adapt your binary loader in order to load the exploit from ms0:/PSP/SAVEDATA/XXXXXXX/h.bin (where XXXX is the folder of your savedata). In the Vita version of HBL, all HBL files for in that folder, and there is no subfolder.


copy linker_loader.x into linker_hbl.x, and replace the address value with the value of HBL_LOAD_ADDRESS that you figured out earlier while creating exploit_config.h. Done.

4. Compile

  • run make FOLDER=yourfolder (alternate ways: make distrib FOLDER=yourfolder to remove debug messaging, make nonids FOLDER=yourfolder to remove NIDs-related heavy debug messaging)
  • You’re done, grab the h.bin and hbl.bin in the root, the config folder from your exploit’s folder, and the libs_… folders from the root. You now have the meat of your HBL port ready.

5. Last but not least

HBL is licensed under the GPL. If you plan to distribute your compiled binaries, it is required that you provide your source code as well. Don’t make us ask for it ;)
This tutorial is voluntarily vague. Porting HBL is fairly easy, but we assume that if you made it that far, you probably are skilled enough to do some research on your own. Nevertheless, don’t hesitate to ask questions if you are running into problems :)
You are allowed to reproduce this article on other websites and/or translate it on condition that you put a clear link to this page in your copy.

6. More details

Porting VHBL is simple in theory, but many games do not import some functions that are necessary for HBL to run properly. One goal of the script gen_exploit_config.h is to analyze the imports of your game (this is why the sdk.S is necessary), and define some workarounds in exploit_config.h in case your game does not have all the necessary exports. This should work in most cases, but that script is still experimental and might make mistakes. Below are a few details on some of the “define” sections it creates:

TH_ADDR_LIST, EV_ADDR_LIST, SEMA_ADDR_LIST, and GAME_FREEMEM_ADDR can be computed for you by the tool eLoader/tools/freemem.rb. For that you will need a memory dump and a file uidlist.txt which is the output of the uidlist command in psplink (uidlist > uidlist.txt ). It is important to note that the memory dump and the uidlist need to be from the same session, otherwise the addresses will be incorrect. If you’re on windows, also make sure that the uidlist.txt file is in the unix format (use your favorite editor to convert it if needed). For those interested, here are some technical details about those variables, but basically the tool should do it for you
TH_ADDR_LIST, is the list of threads you want to kill. Threads are defined by a SceUID, but since this value changes all the time, what we actually want is the addresses where they are defined. in psplink, while your game (or your hello world) is running, you can get a list of these thread by typing thlist. Then look for each thread’s uid in ram. The address (hopefully unique) where the thid is defined, is what you want to put in this list.
EV_ADDR_LIST is the list of events you want to kill. You get this list by typing evlist in psplink. The rest is similar to the construction of TH_ADDR_LIST
SEMA_ADDR_LIST is the list of semaphores you want to kill. You get this list by typing smlist in psplink. The rest is similar to the construction of TH_ADDR_LIST above
GAME_FREEMEM_ADDR this is the address in Ram where the game’s memory was allocated. Most game have this but for those that don’t have it (patapon2), this value can be commented out. To find this value, type uidlist” PSPLink and look under the SceSysMemMemoryBlock section. You’re looking for blocks that have a 0xFF (user) attribute (not 0×00!), and are not “stack”. In the golf exploit, this block was simply called “block” and was easy to find. Again, you’re interested in the entry address, not the uid.
UNLOAD_ADDITIONAL_MODULES : define this variable if possible. Comment it out only if you run into issues at the “free memory” stage of HBL
Other variables: The variables above are the basics of the config file. With those, HBL should basically work, or at least take you to a step where you can start debugging. But with time, HBL has grown and has been updated by several people. In order to maintain backwards compatibility and increase game coverage, the exploit_config file was added several config values. DISABLE_P5_STUBS is useful if you run into a crash/freeze even before hbl is loaded (just after firmware detection). SYSCALL_* are used for perfect syscall estimation on firmwares where this is available (TODO: explain syscalls estimation), etc… at this point you will probably need to dig in previous exploit_config.h files in order to find more on each macro you can possibly define.

Homebrew Preparer: no more headaches to install homebrews on VHBL

Many people have contacted me because they have been having trouble packaging their PSP homebrews correctly in order to install them through wMenu on VHBL.
Fear not, as developer SILENTGame comes to rescue you, with PS Vita Homebrew preparer, an app that does most of the work for you. Note: version 0.2 released recently fixes a critical bug that prevented the zips from actually working.

How to use

  1. Download PS Vita homebrew Preparer here
  2. unzip and run from your windows machine
  3. Select a zipped homebrew
  4. click on the big “Prepare PSP homebrew game” button
  5. Done, now you can copy the game to your CMA Data folder (remember, it is actually recommended to use Open CMA), and from there copy it to your vita, and install it from VHBL
A Nice tool indeed, and I sure hope that some updates will make it even more convenient to use (possibility to choose an unzipped folder containing one or several homebrews could be nice).
don’t hesitate to say thanks to SILENTGame on this release.

Friday, March 30, 2012

Hulk wallpaper

No Humans Allowed Wallpaper

Facebook Now Available For The PlayStation Vita

The PlayStation Vita has only been on the market for a few days and it’s already marching towards its goal of becoming a powerful smartphone without the phone. Starting today, you can download Facebook onto your new shiny new Vita.
Appropriately, Sony has announced the news via their PlayStation Facebook wall. The app is only 12 MB in size, so it should fit nicely into that 4GB memory stick you bought because Sony charges too much for their proprietary memory format.
Facebook is the latest app that Sony has released for the Vita after the device received LiveTweet, flickr and Netflix yesterday. There will be more and more of these kind of apps on the Vita as it continues in the market.
Despite my best attempts to downplay the release of a social networking app on a gaming device, the news has many people excited on Facebook. The post already has 3,870 likes from ravenous PlayStation fans eager to get their like on via the Vita.
The comments don’t paint as happy a picture with users complaining about the app not working properly or the existence of performance issues.
Honestly, the Facebook app seems kind of worthless unless you bought the 3G enabled Vita. Once you consider the paltry data plans offered by AT&T, it makes it even worse. I love the Vita, but using it for anything besides games seems kind of a waste.
Regardless of my persona feelings, is anybody experiencing problems with the Vita’s Facebook app? Or is it working just fine? Let us know in the comments.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

How to use multiple PSN accounts with PS Vita.

It is possible to use one PlayStation Vita with more than one PlayStation Network account. And despite what others are saying, it’s not that difficult to switch between two or more accounts. Really! Importers have been on the fence after early reports, so this article should ease their minds a bit.

Earlier this month Sony went back and forth on how the Vita works with PSN accounts. They ended the discussion by saying that the system is locked to one PSN account, and that’s right. When you set up the system, the account you use is tied to the hardware. You’ll have to go through a process to break that tie and set up a new account.
We’re going to take you through how it’s done. The process looks a bit scary as you go through, but we’ve tried it ourselves a few times. If done correctly, you won’t lose any of your saves or data, and your system activations will be in line.
How to switch PSN accounts on the PS Vita:

1) Backup:

Assuming that you’ve already set up your Vita with one PSN account, and that you’re wanting to use another, you’ll want to back up your game data and saves first. I was particularly nervous the first time I tried this, as I had game saves for several Vita games stored in the system.
The backup process is very easy, though. Simply connect the Vita to a PC or PS3 and use the Content Manager app. You’ll need Sony’s software for PC use. “Backup” is one of the four options given in this app. Select this to dump the entire contents of your memory to the connected device. You’ll be able to restore this with one touch through the same app later.
If you don’t need a full system backup, you can choose to simply export your game saves.

2) Restore and deactivate the PS Vita system:

You’ll need to “restore” the PS Vita to sign on to the other account you want to use. This means that the data and settings will be wiped to factory standards, and that you’ll have to set up the system all over again. The good news here is that this process is very quick.
Important: Note that you’ll need to deactivate your Vita while logged into one PSN account to use it under another. You probably won’t want to do this from a PC, as you’re only given one activation every six months! Deactivating from the Vita makes it so that you can activate it again without issue. To do this you’ll go to the Settings app, choose the PlayStation Network option, and then pick System Activation and follow the instructions.
Or, you could start the Vita’s Restore process. The system should prompt you to deactivate the system first before restoring. It should also ask if you’d like to delete all data on the memory card. The whole process takes less than a minute.

3) Set up the Vita with your other PSN account:

It’s simply a matter of logging in with your other PSN account. Again, the setup process only takes a minute or two. You’ll set the language, date/time, and watch the silly mandatory opening movie. Then you’re good to go!

4) Reload save files and content:

Content Manager makes it easy to select everything you’d want back on your Vita. Note that you won’t be able to move over games that belong to another PSN account, but game saves and other data work just fine.

5) And when you want to go back to the first account, Restore:

Don’t even bother setting anything up. Just connect the same USB cable to the same PC/PS3 you used to back up. Start the Content Manager, click “Restore” and watch as your Vita goes back to the way you had it before you logged in. You could even create backups of each PSN account on your PC/PS3 to have ready for easy switching. It’s quite wonderful how easy it is to back up everything on the Vita.


Here are some questions we’ve been asked on account switching. Import related questions have also been included. These are in addition to our operational FAQ.
Does a US PSN account work on a Japanese Vita?
Yes, it works. You won’t be able to access the US PS Store as it’s not up yet. This means that you won’t be able to download your games to the system, either. Still, you can access everything else, including friends lists, trophies and messaging.
Can I use Japanese games while logged into my US PSN account?
All of mine work fine!
What happens if you don’t deactivate the Vita before restoring it?
You may not be able to activate the system under another PSN account, as it’s still tied to the previous one.
Can you load PSP games from your PS3 or PC to your Vita on a US PSN account?
Not yet, it seems. I tried it from both the PC and PS3 a couple of times.
Can you just switch out memory cards, using a dedicated card for each PSN account?
Our second memory card is on order, so we can’t test this yet. But I see no reason why it wouldn’t work. We’ll report back soon on this.