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Friday, April 13, 2012

10 Things that should be improved on the Vita

For some of us, the vita has been out for 5 months now. I could talk about how the screen looks great, how I’m happy that Sony put 2 analog controllers on the device, etc… but I’d rather focus on the things that Sony failed to achieve with the PS Vita. In the past 5 months, customers have been patiently waiting for useful firmware update that never came, or simply being updated on some of the promises that have yet to be fulfilled…
So let’s have a look at the 10 things I think Sony should have done better with the Vita, or that should have been improved in the past 5 months.

The browser

The browser on the PS Vita is awful. This is Netfront again (an “upgraded” version of the crappy browser they were using on the PSP), a browser that was dedicated to mobile devices (phones) 15 years ago, when phones had very low computing power, screens, and ram. This browser made lots of sense back then, but nowadays, compared to what we have on smartphones such as Android or iPhone, Netfront is an insult (even this new version which has been beefed up to support html5).
Lack of flash, poor refreshing rates, close to no customization… The Vita browser is doing so poorly that I don’t think anybody will ever use it to do more than browsing the PSN Store (which is what Sony wants you to do with the browser anyways). Who cares that it’s doing 99/100 on the ACID test, if you can’t do anything useful with it?

Suggestion: migrate to a proper webkit implementation, or Firefox. Or don’t put a browser in the device, at all: don’t advertise the console as being an online device, as without a decent browser, this is a lie.

PS Vita 1.67 Firmware Update Rolls Out With Free-To-Play Treasures of Montezuma Game

Following on from the recent firmware updates released by Sony for its PS Vita. Sony has today rolled out another together PS Vita 1.67 together with the consoles first free-to-play game in the form of the puzzler Treasures of Montezuma Blitz.  Treasures of Montezuma Blitz is the latest game based on the popular Treasures of Montezuma franchise and includes new power-ups and challenges for players.

A lot of people look at freemium or free-to-play games and think you have to spend money to be competitive and beat your friends. That’s actually not the case with this game.
We built the game so it is actually really fun whether you’re earning your power-ups by playing a lot and being rewarded in-game for your persistence, or if you are short on time and want the benefits of being a seasoned and dedicated player, you can spent a little to get a short-term power-up. It’s really the best of both worlds since it respects players that have a lot of time, as well as those that don’t.”
With regards the 100MB PS Vita firmware update, details of exactly what it updates or brings to the PS Vita console, are still in the dark as Sony hasn’t yet released any details. However can view a video of the free-to-pay Treasures of Montezuma game over on the PlayStation Blog and the game is now available to download from the PlayStation Store. Enjoy!

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

PSP ViTa Beautiful Theme

Excellent theme made by DJgodman  including new lockscreen and background
+1 to him !!!

Monday, April 9, 2012

Friday, April 6, 2012


Sony has announce  One of the all time classic Chess game to release on console PS3 (11 Apr 2012 ) and Vita  (18 Apr 2012)these summer !!!

Trailer looks very promising and it will support 8 multi player online involving the cross play tournament !!

Will be definitely replace the Virtual experience !!


Price will be around 10 $

Major PS Vita price drop coming

Along with the price cut Sony also announced a "Pioneer Program" This is a set of free gifts and downloadable games which will be available to the early adopters who purchased a PS Vita at its previous $220 price. Starting April 17th PSN accounts which connect to the PS Vita PSN store before 12am April 16th will be entitled to 10 free PSP games, the free PSP games are as follows:


Kermit might hold the key to Vita Hardware

Kermit, either a protocol or perhaps a funny name is a communication interface for the PSP emu. Specifically it allows the PSP to talk to the host (Vita).

Now, I can tell there aren’t as many developers here, so I’ll try to simplify for the curious minds but this stuff is pretty complicated. I’ll only explain the API in detail as the lower level still need a little bit of clearing up, but here goes.

Ok, Kermit is here so that the emu can communicate to the host to share resources and other vitality. Perhaps the primary reason is that of hardware; the PSP emu is excluded from many hardware devices. So kermit sets in and allows the system to talk to the vita in order to use the hardware. Blabbering aside, this is the hardware that kermit seems to be responsible for:

Memory stick
Flash filesystem
Power Control
… more

Kermit could be the only entry point to the actual Vita hardware